Technical Specifications and Instructions


To watch the videos you need:

  • web browser Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, or Edge, updated to the most recent version or at least the previous one
  • broadband Internet connection (ADSL or Fiber optics)

Most smartphone and tablet browsers are compatible too, but it is recommended to test before purchasing.

To know for sure if a device or browser is compatible, check the course's free lesson. If you can watch it without problems you should have no issues with the other lessons since they are all based on the same platform.

To do the exercises you need a computer with Rhinoceros version 5.0 or later. If you don't have a license yet you can use the evaluation version that is downloadable from the McNeel site:

To be able to properly use Rhinoceros it is recommended a computer with the system configuration as indicated in the above link.


To log in to the site click on the "Log in" button in the upper right corner and type username and password of your account. Once logged in, the "Log in" button becomes an icon to access your user menu. Click on it to open the pulldown menu and click on the "My courses" item. You can also access by clicking the "My courses" button in the right sidebar.
Landing on your personal courses page you'll find all courses you purchased. Click on the course name to access the lessons. Click on the lesson name to open a new browser tab or window where you can watch the video and download the lesson files.


If the video halts frequently or reproduction is unstable, it could be that your connection is slow or temporarily overloaded. In this case please try again later or in other times of the day.

If you have already downloaded the lesson files and don't need to read the notes anymore, you can have a better experience watching the video in full screen mode. Click on the four-arrows button that you find on the right-lowermost corner to activate the full screen. You can return to normal mode anytime by clicking the button again or pressing ESC.